Exo Trade

Exotrade.org – Creating a fair market for trade between Earth Humans and Extra Terrestrials (And the Inner Earth Civilizations)

Clearly, there is a lot of value to be exchanged between our races –  however, during the past 7,000 years Earth Humans have been exploited by a group that practiced unfair and unjust practices including but not limited to slavery, human trafficking, exploitation of Humans for enslavement, experimentation purposes, and created a monetary system that guaranteed 90% of the planet is in debt, via controlled hyper inflation and crisis.  In order to prevent this and to ensure a fair and balanced market, we are establishing a framework that can benefit all of humanity operating from a non-profit organization.  Also, there are technology concerns about advanced technology falling into the wrong hands, or being misused and cause of accidental injuries or deaths.

Exo Trade is a platform for vendors, both buyers and sellers of goods, services, and technology on both sides.  We need to backup this trade bloc with policies.

Profit drives markets so good actors should be rewarded for good behavior, but checks and balances need to prevent exploitation.  Regulation is not the answer, as it leads to Monopolistic corruption that is endemic.

A) A financial system that is based on evolving value that grows, not shrinks, in total.

B) Rather than a Pyramid, top -down, Master-Slave system, a hub and spoke system where the Elites, the traders, the bureaucrats can earn up to 10% of the total wealth of the system, and 90% is distributed evenly to the entire planet.  In modern dollars, 10% of the 2024 GDP of $100 Trillion would be roughly $10 Trillion, or if there are 10,000 Elites that would mean $1 Billion dollars per year per person which is plenty to fund their absurd lifestyles.  But even considering this disbalance it would tip the scales to such a degree as to increase the quality of life for the 90%, with the same figures, giving $11,000 UBI to every individual on the planet (for doing nothing).  Middle class achievers would be incentivized to create value above and beyond their 11k.  These figures would adapt and optimize according to Genetic Algorithms that would run real-time optimization for consumer purchases, investment markets, and taxes.  How you obtained money would determine it’s value.  How the factory made the product would determine it’s price, not artificially controlled “Supply and Demand” Monopoly structures.  There are many Blockchain systems that already do this they just need to be implemented on a Global scale, this can be done only after the current regime is destroyed and the central banking system can be phased out (QFS).  A Quantum Financial System (QFS) would manage this with Supercomputers.

We seek to build:

  • Markets where buyers can meet sellers
  • Logistic mechanisms for delivery
  • Education tools for foreign products that are outside the scope of consumers
  • Profit funds for distribution to all humanity (similar to a Sovereign Wealth Fund, such as Alaska has, and Norway)
  • Physical trading centers, which can act as hubs for remote virtual meetings, host events, conferences, and safe physical meetings

Let’s visualize this a bit –